David, Not Christopher

You gotta love the tracklisting for David Cross’ new album, It’s Not Funny:

1. Certain Leaders in Government Look or Act like Certain Pop Culture References!
2. Women, Please Rinse Off Your Vagina and Anus!
3. A Rapid Series of Comical Noises!
4. I’ve Taken a Popular Contemporary Pop Song and Changed the Lyrics to Comment on the Proliferation of Starbucks in My Neighborhood!
5. Although Indigent, Rural Families Have Little to Say in the Matter, Third Rate Public Education Has Kept Them Ignorant and Thus, Great Sources of Ridicule!
6. My Child is Enthralling, Especially When It Says Something Unexpectedly Precocious Even Though It Doesn’t Understand What It Just Said!
7. My Immigrant Mom Talks Funny!
8. When It Comes to Jews, Behavior One Might Perceive as Obnoxious and Annoying I Present as “Quirky” but It’s Okay to Joke About It Because I, Myself, Am Jewish!
9. Pandering to the Locals!
10. Even Though I Am in the Closet, That Won’t Prevent Me from Getting Cheap Laughs at the Expense of Homosexuals!
11. Weathermen Have Become, for the Most Part, Obsolete!
12. When All is Said and Done, I am Lonely and Miserable and Barely Able to Mask My Contempt for the Audience as I Trot Out the Same Sorry Act I’ve Been Doing Since the Mid-Eighties!

Assembly of God: Ridding the world of the Evil Easter Bunny

This is the sect Asscroft belongs to, by the way. Well done in traumatizing the kiddies, you humorless, awful people.

Easter Bunny whipped at church show; some families upset
Wednesday, April 07, 2004
A church trying to teach about the crucifixion of Jesus performed an Easter show with actors whipping the Easter bunny and breaking eggs, upsetting several parents and young children.
People who attended Saturday’s performance at Glassport’s memorial stadium quoted performers as saying, “There is no Easter bunny,” and described the show as being a demonstration of how Jesus was crucified.
Melissa Salzmann, who took her 4-year-old son J.T., said the program was inappropriate for young children. “He was crying and asking me why the bunny was being whipped,” Salzmann said.

The Gospel of Debbie

This short piece by Paul Rudnick has got to be one of the funniest “Shouts and Murmurs” in the New Yorker for a long time.

March 12
Everyone is just getting so mean. They’re all going, Debbie, he is so not divine, Debbie, you’ll believe anything, Debbie, what about last year when you were worshipping ponchos? And I so don’t trust that Judas Iscariot, who’s always staring at me when I walk to the well and he’s saying, hey, Deb, nice jugs, and I’m like, oh ha ha ha, get some oxen.

Endorphin Torture

My friend who is a video game animator just sent me this show reel (10mb) from a company and/or a product called Endorphin, announcing the next stage in motion capture. To my friend it’s a showreel for creating more and more lifelike humans for videogames and movies. To me, it’s a “Faces of Death” compilation of CG human torture and violence. Watch as a poor little man made of blocks is repeatedly shot in the head and chest, tripped, bound, blown up, and kicked in the nuts. “And it’s not just humans!” it proclaims, followed by CG horses falling in mid-gallop, all certainly bound for the CG glue factory.
Where’s the CG Amnesty International when you need them?