Bush and Blair’s IM chat

Actually written by Danielle Crittenden. Brilliant.

kickass43: hey
sxybritguy10: hey
kickass43: u up
sxybritguy10: cant sleep
kickass43: dont have that problem
sxybritguy10: noticed
kickass43: man I can fall sleep on a bicycle 🙂
sxybritguy10: lol. wish that was the only accident at g8
sxybritguy10: bloody cursed summit
kickass43: u brits r tuff folks
kickass43: u take bombs well
kickass43: ur arresting the badasses
kickass43: got plenty more room at gitmo if u need it
sxybritguy43: thnx. ur da man

More at the link.

Eyes are located halfway down the oval.

Remember in Junior High art class when you did portrait sketching and you realised that it was harder than you thought and that actually you sucked and that any mastery of the form, any way of getting your work to remotely resemble a human face would take years and years of work, so you gave up? Don’t worry, the Michigan State Police is hiring. Includes photos of the “life study” models to compare, contrast, and grade. Wow!
Questions for further study:
Has there ever been a good artist who has done composite sketches? What was their success rate?
In how many years will this be labeled “outsider art” and fetch large prices in galleries?

Dumbass Daniel

How wonderful is this? 2,000 years ago, Romans had to throw Christians to the lions. Now they go willingly!

MSNBC – Man tries to convert lions to Jesus, gets bitten
TAIPEI, Taiwan – A man leaped into a lion’s den at the Taipei Zoo on Wednesday to try to convert the king of beasts to Christianity, but was bitten in the leg for his efforts.
“Jesus will save you!” shouted the 46-year-old man at two African lions lounging under a tree a few meters away.

Laura – Diary of a White Trash Girl

The always non-awful Something Awful has a long-running thread I’ve just noticed. Essential reading for this afternoon…

Working at Goodwill, one procures not only a loathing for the greater parts of their local community, but a great many interesting oddities as well. I came across one of my more curious souvenirs today as I cleaned out old drawers: A diary detailing the depressing life of perhaps the most white-trash girl I have imagined. I have been in possession of said book for about a year and a half, and I read through it once at work to give my boredom a kick. However, it wasn’t until I further analyzed the journal that I realized how utterly depressing and hopeless the track of her life was/is (this diary is from the ‘93 period, of which time she must have been a teenager). However, despite all this, parts of this journey into Laura are nothing short of utterly hilarious. Part of me feels bad about posting all this, but then again, I don’t know this person at all and someone donated it anyways. For the time being, enjoy the shenanigans of this complete stranger. I’ll be typing entries as well as linking to the actual journal, and if people like the first bits I’ll definitely do more. This stuff just gets better and better, and it’s LONG. Plenty of hilarious details. On with it. I am making no spelling or grammatical corrections. Everything is as written.

You can continue the diary on page 20, as the in between pages are comments. There’s even an audio book being made, read in a posh British accent, along with an accompanying Flash cartoon. Ah, the Web.