Prague’s Franz Kafka International Named World’s Most Alienating Airport

A classic combo of smooth, half-spoken delivery and a band going bonkers. Chas Jankel plays a crazed jazz riff on piano, Davey Payne plays two saxes at once, and Norman Watt-Roy’s bass line (not so well represented in the audio here) is jaw-dropping, all 16th notes for the entirety of the song.
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To promote their new super awesome toilet, St. Thomas Creations has created this video of various objects (hot dogs! golf balls! dog food!!) being flushed down a toilet. Awesome.
Another great animated video, directed by Ben Stokes.
Great lounge-y version of an utterly poo Mr. Mister song from the ’80s. Niiiiice.
Jon Stewart again does what the others in the “media” can’t do. At the end, I don’t think Stewart is really laughing. Fuck you too, billionaires. In fact, the use of footage coupled with intertitles afterwards showing the fate of those banks and insurance companies is straight out of a serious doc, not a comedy show.
From the statement of purpose:
Urban Camouflage deals with the question how to camouflage
oneself and one’s identity in the urban space. Our costumes are
inspired by the ghillie suits, the military camouflage suit. It was
an adventure to wear the suit in the stores because of the conflicts
with the employees, the reaction of the customers and also to see
the pretty well camouflage effect in a real situation.
Don’t forget to check out the video section too.
This will be funny if you’ve read the comic/seen the film.
A lovely piece of animation for this Death Cab for Cutie song. I imagine it will be a bit more poignant for our Santa Barbara viewers after the Tea Fire.
The first rap hit was Rapper’s Delight by the Sugar Hill Gang, and it sampled straight from Chic’s “Good Times.” Nile Rodgers, Chic’s guitarist and co-creator, tells about how his band’s song morphed from party anthem to another group’s single. This is as close to pin-pointing where rap started as we can get…maybe?