Filmmaker and Artist

Originally from Santa Barbara, CA, currently pursuing PhD in Film/Video Art at Massey University, Wellington, Aotearoa NZ

  • DJ Freerange on this Saturday, September 14, 2024

    Once again I will be spinning an eclectic mix of music you need to hear this Saturday night, 9 – 11 p.m., NZ time on! Old sets are available here!

  • Tales from Nowhereland at Petone Depot, Oct. 26, 2024

    Tales from Nowhereland will be coming to Petone Depot and/or the Pito-one Depot, a cozy arts non-profit space just off from Jackson Street. Exact evening hour TBD, but October 26, 2024 is the date you should put on your calendar. More info to come!

  • New Newsletter Posted!

    The latest Transmissions is up at my Substack. Don’t forget to subscribe!

  • DJ Freerange on Radioactive this Saturday!

    Once again I will be spinning the toooooons on this Saturday night, Aug. 24, 2024, 9 – 11 p.m. NZ time! Come rock yr face off! The archive of past shows is here!


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6 thoughts to “Filmmaker and Artist”

  1. hi man.
    hey, i know this isn’t probably isn’t meant to be the main point of your site, but i used to visit your pizzicatto five lyrics database a ton.

    but now when i go to the songs, and click on them, the link points to nowhere? did you take down the lyrics?

    if so, would it be possssssible perhaps for me to get a copy of what you had before you took down the site?

    i was using them to study japanese, and was actually using them to bridge a kanji – romaji gap. (fleshing out the translation transitions a bit more)

    of course, if not possible thats okay.
    and thanks for the effort you put into making the lyrics page, it was really helpful!!!

    1. Hi Donald, I’m currently in the middle of a major site resign/upgrade, so bear with me and I will investigate soon. Obvs I stopped working on the site when P5 broke up, but I know it was a valuable resource for people. I’ll get back on it and let you know soon.

  2. You did an article on my daughter, the junior spirit of fiesta 2015. There was a beautiful photograph you published on April 19 this year. Is there anyway I could get a digital copy of that photograph?

    1. That was my photographer Kenneth Song. You will have to contact the NewsPress office to get in touch with him.

  3. Desiderata! The feed for FunkZone…actually LibSyn in general, is failing (using Podcast Addict.) Why not run Hiawatha on some VM someplace and serve the RSS there (unless it contains complete transcripts fattening up the data use instead of the Apple yo-embedded-that method.)

    Also, lovely work on OpenCulture, I was reading your Gilgamesh amended article there.

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