The rules mentioned at the 3:20 mark are VERY IMPORTANT. In fact, thanks to, here it is, the mantra of the month.

The rules mentioned at the 3:20 mark are VERY IMPORTANT. In fact, thanks to, here it is, the mantra of the month.
io9 recut the trailer to Roland Emmerich’s upcoming 2012 to bring out its porny, fetishy side. Good yuks throughout.
They should follow that crazy lady back to her place and get the full whacked-out story.
By way of Buzzfeed (and Jon)
This will be funny if you’ve read the comic/seen the film.
This is stupid. But sometimes I like stupid.
Barack, you’ve always been the caretaker.
Sasha Obama Keeps Seeing Creepy Bush Twins While Riding Tricycle Through White House
February 23, 2009WASHINGTON—A little more than a month after the first family’s move to the White House, reports of strange happenings have continued to surface, with Sasha Obama confirming Tuesday that she had once again been visited by the eerie specter of the Bush twins.
Sasha, who was playing in the East Wing of the executive mansion so as not to disturb her busy father, reported seeing the former first twins while riding her Big Wheel tricycle down the Cross Hall corridor. The frightening apparitions, the 7-year-old said, emerged out of thin air and were dressed in identical outfits consisting of spaghetti strap tank tops and denim skirts.
Teh future looks awesome!
Spot on in many places, worth a chuckle, and uses one of my favorite songs.
Last week, the question was ‘Where were you when you heard Obama was elected?’ This week the question is ‘Where were you when you first saw…Italian Spiderman?’
Heads exploding into snakes, heroes diving head-first off of buildings (well, mannequins being thrown from buildings), and amazing shotgun violence. This is teh awesome!!!