Cowboy Bebop

I’m currently catching up with the anime series known as Cowboy Bebop.
I’ve known about Cowboy Bebop since buying the soundtracks back in 1999, but this is the first time I’ve watched the show. It really starts going by the third episode, and now I’m hooked. I dole one episode a night to myself.
The other reason to like Cowboy Bebop, apart from the music, the humor, the brilliant post-Blade Runner pop design, is leading lady Faye Valentine. Everybody loves Faye.

Borrowed from All That Jazz.

Just as I was finding

Just as I was finding it hard to believe that so many people are swallowing Colin Powell’s “evidence” against Iraq, I came across this piece of lunacy:
Catholics Flock to Fence-Post Virgin Mary

SYDNEY (Reuters) – Catholics in the Australian city of Sydney are flocking to pray at a fence post at Coogee beach which they believe projects an image of the Virgin Mary.

Yes, it looks like the Virgin Mary–if you have glaucoma.

Goodbye Cruel World Wide Web

Goodbye Cruel World Wide Web
A 21-year-old by the name of Brandon Vedas was bragging on his IRC chat about how “hardcore” he was, while he injested a druggie cocktail of Klonopin, Methadone, Restoril and Inderal, along with side orders of marijuana and 151-proof rum. His baffled chatroom buddies egged him on until he stopped typing and slumped over in his chair. A small debate then raged about calling 911 (seeings many knew him personally), but most worried about getting the guy busted for having some pot on him. That’s what friends are for! Now, he’s dead. How hardcore is that?
You can read the chat transcript, which reads like Dada poetry, here.
Watch as local Arizona politicians seek to outlaw IRC, the Internet, Web cams, keyboards, etc. “what about the children?” etc. etc.

The Age of Irony Is

The Age of Irony Is Dead. When they first said this, I didn’t want to believe it, but after reading the Reader Mail at the most excellent satirical page, I’m inclined to agree. The number of readers who can’t see that this is straight-forward parody is staggering, from the frothing at the mouth, can-barely-suppress misogyny/homophobia/racism right wing chowder head to the humorless and over-earnest liberal ding-dong. There surely is no hope.
One of my many favorites:

SUBJECT = Mr. Predsident
NAME = Nancy & Clovis B. Vaughn
MESSAGE = My Husband, Major Clovis B. Vaughn is an Officer and an Engineer at 29 Palms Marine Base and a Texan, and a Graduate from Rice U ,and a strong supporter of you Mr. President along with my self Sir. Would you please see to it that Major Vaughn can meet with you Mr. President?, sometimes men need your support Sir, and may I please shake your hand.
We both thank the Lord that we have taken back the Goverment and that it is time for us to succeed!
This has nothing to do with my Husbnd Mr. President ,but my town Palm Springs Ca needs your help, with up as it has gone to ,,well to Lucefer as it is now currently 80% to 20% Homosexuals, a discusting way of life Sir, why is it ok in todays life to be imoral? The Mayor has told us in the Desert Sun Newspaper that he has given up on Jesus Christ.
Your Very Pround,
Nancy Ann Vaughn

And then there’s this genius from somewhere in Canada (warning, there’s lots of swearing below):

SUBJECT = holy shit
NAME = gordon
MESSAGE = What the fuck were you sticking up your ass when you came up with this fucing site? That is fucking pathetic! HOLY SHIT 5% of Americans don’t masturbate, guess what that means…95% of you do!! Now I don’t have a degree in math or shit like that but 95% doing something is the majority of the population. Oh guess what? All these rapists, sodomites you talk about who were masturbators- becoming the worst criminals in the world, well guess what? I masturbate once a week or so and I’m studying to be a doctor(hey that means that I got into a really good university and one day may have to do a surgery on your sorry ass after someone kicks the shit out of it!) and I would never rape, sodomize, or look at a kid with nary a fantasy of sex with them EVER; so even if a few masturbators become heinous criminals- well when 95% of the people in the USA masturbate then more than likely anyone who masturbated (hey that’s almost 240,000,000!) would be a criminal. So shut the fuck up about everything and suck my dick. Oh yeah, just who the FUCK do you think you can get that will help you outlaw masturbation? I am so glad I’m a Canadian when I read stupid shit like this, you’ve got a fucking hick for a president and some of the worse laws in the world. I hope you all fucking rot in hell!
Oh PS….I don’t mean to be critical or anything but anyone who believes that god was always there, and that jesus fed like a million people from a fucking loaf of bread, or that he rose from the dead has to have something SERIOUSLY fucked up with them. I think almost every- no EVERY man in America and the world agrees with me, because I know that every single man in the world who can and it is in their religion has masturbated, even YOU faggot.

Remember, this guy is studying to be a doctor someday.

Everybody has seen those “Chinese

Everybody has seen those “Chinese Titles for American Movies” email, which to me have always seemed phony. Oliver Stone’s “Nixon” is translated as “Big Fat Liar” and so on–all coincidentally tailored to American humor.
Well, over at leylop’s blog about China she has some real translations. Most are tame, as expected, but occasionally there’s some doozies, more surreal than anything:
As Good As It Gets: Mr. Cats’ Shit ( mao shi xian sheng )
Charlie’s Angels: Lightning Cutie ( pi li tian shi )
Fargo: Moisturizing Lotion Murder ( xue hua gao li qi ming an )
Thelma & Louise: The Crazy Flower At The End Of The Road ( mo lu kuang hua )
In the Bedroom: The Incestuous Love ( luan lun zhi lian )
Top Gun: Lofty Ideal Above The Clouds ( zhuang zhi lin yun )
The Big Lebowski: Murdering the Green Toes ( mou sha lv jiao zhi )
Apparently, the Coen Brothers give the Chinese a lot of trouble.