Early 1980 Electronic Weirdness

Gotsdamn, I love the Internet sometimes! Case in point: music blog Mutant Sounds. For a month or so now, the owner of this blog has been posting rips of extremely rare electronic music from the early ’80s that only saw release on obscure, home-made cassette labels like Adventures In Reality, Roding Recordings, Integrated Circuit Recordings, and plenty others. Some I have downloaded have been a bit too gnarly and amateurish for my ears, but others are just gems.

Two I recommend are Rick Crane’s A Long Week in Houston from 1982 (maybe) and Robert Lawrence & Mark Phillips’s The Dadacomputer (1981). “Houston” is two side-long analog synth space noodlings, one with taped voices, the other without, but both transport me back to the times when you could pick up weird music on the radio, late night. Or maybe that’s just my memory. “Dadacomputer” is more rough and ready cut-up style, but bits remind me of Tuxedomoon. There’s more to choose from, but I don’t have the time to grab ’em all.

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