Into the Woods — ‘Rashomon,’ now in a sterling 35-mm print, is still a classic

Toshiro Mifune stars in Akira Kurosawa's seminal samurai film "Rashomon." Courtesy photos
Toshiro Mifune stars in Akira Kurosawa’s seminal samurai film “Rashomon.”
Courtesy photos

Four retellings of an incident resulting in a dead husband and a raped wife … four perceptions of a reality in which each teller confesses to a crime instead of hiding it. All are plausible, and all seem understandable for the characters. What to do?

If you’ve seen “Rashomon” before, it’s worth seeing again (and again). If you’ve never seen it, the time is long overdue to enjoy a classic that still stands up as such. Either way, a brand new 35 mm print of the film comes to UCSB this Tuesday evening.

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