It’s a bleedin’ hyena! Or something.

According to this NBC affiliate report, there’s a mystery animal prowling suburbia, looking like a hyena mixed with a coyote, getting along fine with cats and dogs, and hanging out in the sun long enough to have its photo taken. Will we see a follow up to this? And if it really is a hyena mixed with a coyote, how the hell did that happen in Maryland?
Update: The blogosphere has weighed in and I agree with the “small, mangy bear” theory. We need to shave more animals and familiarize ourselves with their “nude” looks, methinks, for future reference.
By way of BoingBoing

Mmm, Kosher Franks…

Danny Gregory tells us about his summer jobs. Veterinarian’s office, slaughterhouse, McDonalds, record shop.

Occasionally I would help out in a two-story shed behind the slaughterhouse. Cow intestines were brought in by the barrelful and we would slide them through v-shaped boards that would squeeze out the contents into gigantic metal sinks, leaving us with empty sausage casing. The cow shit would run down to the first floor and into a cart tethered to a balding donkey. Without looking over his shoulder, the donkey knew when the cart was filled and would then trudge out of the shed and across the courtyard to a deep pit. He would back the cart against a pole upending the contents into the stinking pit. Then the donkey would trudge back to its post in the shed.
One afternoon, the rabbis discovered they had unwittingly processed a pregnant cow. I was called in to haul the purple fetus away and carve it up. The dogs ate it with relish, untroubled that the meat wasn’t kosher.

Update: Part Two: White House Intern, waiter, bus boy.

Lessons in Bad Web Design #246: has just gone through a major redesign and for about a week now their site has been unusable in IE. We’re not just talking aesthetics here–though I don’t like the layout one bit, the CSS or whatever they’re using doesn’t work, with lines through words and such–but THE BLOODY SEARCH BUTTON DOESN’T WORK! On top of that, it loads twice as slow, and Mozilla can barely even contact the site.
I mean, c’mon guys, how hard is this? Again, this feels like typical corporate makeover design, making something over-complex, too many cooks, etc.
Allmusic is one of my toolbar links, just like, where I go at least once a day to reference something. Now IT DOESN’T WORK.
Aargh. Blow me.

A whole slew of links, including the G.I. Joe PSAs.

Oh yes, this is the link o’ the week, if we had such an award. The G.I. Joe PSA redubs are hilarious in a Sealab 2021 kind of way. Nicely surreal some of ’em.
Also, check out these awfully designed loony Christian ramblings. Purchase the whole set for $245 or so. At least Jack Chick gives his away…
Or you could always download huge scans of European art for your desktop.
You can view the video for Puffy’s Teen Titans Theme here. (You need RealPlayer). And no, I don’t mean P-Diddly-Ding-Dang-Dong-Doofus.
Bird Poops in Cyndi Lauper’s Mouth. Amazing.
More reasons that the web is great: The Lady in the Park!
And there can never be enough BULLDOZER RAMPAGES! I betcha that doesn’t happen in France! Go USA!
And finally: A delightful story about cat enemas.

Blogger weirdness

Not that you were watching, but Blogger was suffering from Java-based weirdness the last four days and wouldn’t post anything. It’s back to normal now. Also!! The link to my Konishi site over on the right now works (I just discovered it never had), and the Squid Lord page has been updated.